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May 21, 2011


New Phyrexia: Ravaging Swarm Review (Part 1 of 2)

by Dredd77

In a sense, much of the entire block has lead up to this deck. Breaking custom by including two full-bore mechanics in a single construction, Ravaging Swarm is something of an endcap for all of Scars block. From the very beginning, infect and proliferate were designed to work in tandem to ensure the steady death of your enemy. Get some poison counters out there, then proliferate your way to victory. Of course, insofar as intro decks are concerned, it didn’t quite pan out that way.

From the initial set, Deadspread was designated as ‘the proliferate deck.’ Relatively weak on its own, it nevertheless hinted at the promise that was possible with the mechanic. Meanwhile, infect was highlighted in the somewhat pedestrian Phyrexian Poison. In keeping with what we knew of the Phyrexians at the time, both decks carried a Black component, while Deadspread paired with Blue and Phyrexian Poison with Green.

Things became a bit more of a muddle with Mirrodin Besieged. Infect took a straightforward if unusual path, dropping the Black and picking up White for Path of Blight. Meanwhile, proliferate was cobbled together with the new living weapon mechanic and baked into Doom Inevitable, a deck that more or less ‘splashed’ proliferate on only a trio of cards: Steady Progress, Contagion Clasp, and Spread the Sickness. Not exactly a shining moment of glory for the mechanic, sadly.

But like two star-crossed lovers who start at opposite ends of the ballroom and dance toward one another, the climactic moment of reunion is upon us. Infect and proliferate have had their time apart.

Now it’s time to see what they’re capable of together.

The Glory of Phyrexian Perfection

Ravaging Swarm is in some ways a typical infect deck. In happens to be heavy on creatures, and the bulk of those creatures are in the expected range: 3/3 or less. But as Scars block has ripened over the past year, its able to deliver a more nuanced experience, filling in some gaps and cracks that had previously been prominent.

When Zendikar introduced Allies, many who tinkered with the archetype concluded that while it displayed promise, what it really needed was a hypothetical one-drop Ally to really make it kick into high gear- both to curve out more aggressively as well as to feed the Ranger of Eos. Lo and behold, when Worldwake arrived it brought with it the Hada Freeblade, and competitive Ally decks began to appear. And so it is with infect, for New Phyrexia has brought us the one-drop infecter, Glistener Elf, who kicks off the creature curve of the deck’s mana costs:

Although sadly we aren’t treated to any particular shenanigans with the one-drop, a trio of them will ensure a frequent and painful threat at the start of the game- one that your opponent’s walls will not be able to stop for long, and one that might even compel them to trade out that early mana Myr if you’re lucky.

From there we have another trio of 1/1 infect vectors, the Blighted Agents. Riffs on Blue’s theme of unblockable creatures begun with Phantom Warrior, the Agents are high upside. Unable to kill them in combat, your opponent will often be forced to burn some removal on these two-drops sooner or later- the psychological impact of such a steady clock should not be overlooked. In this slot we also have a pair of defensive-minded bodies in the Blight Mamba and Wall of Tanglecord. Already you can see the some of the deck’s strategy taking shape- throw up obstacles in the red zone and get in with steady, unblockable poison every turn (to say nothing of the steady proliferation you’ll be doing before long).

The deck peaks at the three-drops, and we have some interesting options here. The pair of Viridian Betrayers turn on infect the moment your opponent becomes poisoned (has one or more poison counters). The Betrayers suffer from the usual impediment posed to creatures with heavily imbalanced power over toughness- the sharp end of the stick is formidable, but they can easily be traded for an otherwise-useless 1/1 who’s been sitting on the sidelines fetching water once the real players showed up.

Next up are the twin Cystbearers, which should long be familiar faces by now to those who have played from the start of the block. A solid 2/3 infect vector, the added durability will ensure these tend to stick around long after the Viridian Betrayers have taken one for the team. The deck also includes a Rot Wolf for added card advantage.

Finally there is a pair of Mycosynth Fiends, a very intriguing inclusion. Conventional wisdom at the start of Scars block said that mixing infect and non-infect cards diluted your threat density and essentially handed your opponent a +50% life bonus, and this was more or less correct. As the set has matured, though, even that simple axiom has grown less black-and-white, and cards like the Fiend offer a very refreshing shade of grey. While non-infect, the Fiend has the potential to become quite large as the game goes on- which will allow it to keep pace with nearly anything your opponent plays. This makes the Fiend a welcome draw at nearly any point in any game, and unless you’ve completely bottled it it should at least be a 3/3 for three mana.

One of the deck’s all-stars makes its appearance in the four-drops, two copies of the Viral Drake. The block’s first open-ended source of proliferation (other resuable sources, like the Contagion Clasp, have required tapping). Its 1-power is fine, but its 4-toughness in the air makes the Drake a real asset beyond the proliferation. Poison away early, and if things start to look dire you can often hide behind the Drake and some other defensive plays and proliferate your way to a win. An all-around superb card. The slot’s other occupant- a lone Core Prowler– absolutely pales by comparison.

Finally, we get to the deck’s finishers, and what finishers they are! Although costly, the pair of Chained Throatseekers are absolutely vulgar on the battlefield- a 5/5 infector is virtually a must-chump every combat, and if by that point in the game its drawback actually hinders you, you’re probably going to lose anyway. Also here is a Spinebiter, which can load a spew of hate onto your opponent whether its blocked or not. From time to time, Green has flirted with the ability to assign its combat damage as if the creature had not been blocked. Back in Urza Block you had the Lone Wolf and Thorn Elemental, and Guildpact even made a sorcery out of the concept (Predatory Focus). Interestingly, the concept was attempted earliest in Red (Outmaneuver), but that was quietly the end of it.

Another non-infect option makes itself known here in the form of a Plaguemaw Beast, whose inclusion is a consequence of its ability to proliferate at the expense of a creature- another solid body to put in the way if you’re compelled to circle the wagons, as it can get you those last few critical poison counters. Finally, the deck’s premium foil rare arrives in the form of the Phyrexian Swarmlord. One in a long line of Green “token-spawning” creatures, the Swarmlord has the potential to get out of control very quickly. Although he’s a bit of what Mark Rosewater has glossed “win-more” cards, the more overlooked ability he brings to the table is psychological pressure. One thing we’ve seen in this block is the mental distinction we seem to have between life and poison. Players who don’t even blink when they’re down to 10 life might start to get anxious when they’re at 5 poison counters- though to be fair, that has something to do with how much stronger combat tricks and pump-spells like Giant Growth are on infect bodies. Still, the grin pospect of getting overrun with a swarm of 1/1 infected Insect tokens might compel your opponent to play under pressure, and that can lead to mistakes and forced plays as they try to avoid taking any damage at all. Its 4/4 body is no great steal for its cost, but the card advantage it brings can more than make up for it.

Flesh is a Sickness

The remaining baker’s dozen of noncreature support cards are a real hodge-podge, defying easy generalisation (or predicable drawing). The Contagion Clasp acts as potential removal and a proliferation package all in one. A trio of Leeching Bites make up your combat trick suite- but also act as ersatz removal. The only hard removal spell here is a singleton Naturalize, which is strong in this environment but still is only one card. A Corrupted Conscience is less firm, but has tremendous upside in stealing the affected creature for your own nefarious ends (and if they try to bounce it back or otherwise reclaim it, with luck you’ll have a very hungry Plaguemaw Beast working up an appetite).

The deck also has a splash of countermagic in the shape of a Corrupted Resolve. Another card that only really comes on-line once you’ve delivered a poison counter across the table, this should be seen as a fairly reliable hard counter for the mid-game and beyond- it’s a dead draw in your opening hand. Again, if you’ve gone through most of the game without having delivered a single poison counter to your enemy, it’s unlikely that any one card in Ravaging Swarm is going to save you. There’s also a Fuel for the Cause, which tries to offset its increased cost by adding proliferate (and largely fails- few counterspells that cost four mana are fit for duty, though Dismiss and Cryptic Command come to mind).

As far as proliferation goes, you have a two additional options here. There’s the very useful and straightforward Steady Progress, and then there’s the somewhat clunky Inexorable Tide. The Tide is a carryover from Scars of Mirrodin, and has helped fuel some of the controversy surrounding the rares selection this go-round. It can end games, but in and of itself does nothing and frequently will not pay off as well as it promises.

Rounding out this crazyquilt are twin Trigons of Infestation (in case swarms of 1/1 Insects weren’t enough, and you needed a few more) and a Defensive Stance. All three of these really belong on the scrapheap, and are the worst inclusions of the lot. The Trigon asks you to spend six mana to get your first 1/1 token, while the Stance’s effect is hardly worth a card. It screams ‘cantrip,’ but no matter how many times you read it, the words ‘draw a card’ won’t appear.

And there we have it- at last, the great infect/proliferate combo deck we’ve been moving to since Scars of Mirrodin. We’ll take it into the field to playtest and return with the results!

Read more from New Phyrexia, Scars Block
17 Comments Post a comment
  1. Icehawk
    May 21 2011

    Swarmlord, win-more? Understatement.

  2. Jon David
    May 21 2011

    This was one of the two intro packs I got. I’m a big fan of Verdant Force-like creatures, so Swarmlord has got to be one of my favorite cards in the set, although he is a win more card.

    This deck seems to have what Path of Blight and Phyrexian Poison lacked before. Reach. Even if your opponent clogs up the board, you have Spinebiter and Blighted Agent who can still get through for damage, and you have Proliferation effects that can win you the game on a stalled board. I love Viral Drake, as it elegently combines infect and proliferate onto a single card that both makes sense from a flavor and design standpoint, and I’m sad to see that they only included two here.

    If it hadn’t already been used in an intro deck before, I would have said that Contagion Engine would have been a better second rare. I actually think that Inexorable Tide does a nice job, and the only nonfoil rare Im really upset on is the Tower of Calamities in the Black Red deck.

    Can’t wait to see this one playtested.

    • Varo
      May 21 2011

      I could copypaste all this good sir has said, i share his opinion.

      This deck can improve a lot by getting a some pump spells like giant growth or primal bellow. One of theme onto blighted agent and you have just won half match. Then you can just proliferate one or two times per turn with your drake until you win.

      I also don’t like Mycosynth Fiends, but on the other hand, i like Fuel for the cause, as it basically lets you give your opponent a poison counter in a stalemate situation without having to worry because another threat gets to the table.

      Inexorable tide is not a bad card, but by the time you play it, you’re probably out of cards, and being a drake instead would mean more poison counters. And finally, i like the Swarmlord, simply because i have died so many times to Verdant force-like creatures that i now fear them.

      I’m sure this deck will perform well in the second part of the review, i’m looking forward to it.

      • Prophylaxis
        May 28 2011

        Contagion Engine was in the U/B Deadspread precon in Scars of Mirrodin.

        This deck looks very fun to play. I’m wondering to go with U/G and buy this deck as a skeleton, or go U/B and buy Infect and Defile as a skeleton. Ideas?

  3. Ben
    May 21 2011

    Speaking of the stance, it seems like it could have been a card if it had had flash, but no flash means it’s awful.

    This deck just does not pull any punches when it comes to the common and uncommon creatures. THREE glistener elves? THREE blighted agents? TWO viral drakes? Geez. And it has quite a fine number of finishers as well, in the form of the Spinebiter, the Chained Throatseekers and the Swarmlord, all three of which can take an enemy from halfway there (which your early dudes should be able to do) to dead within a few turns.
    Honestly, before reading this I had no idea what they had done with this deck and now I’m interested to see if it’s as good as it looks.

  4. Koga305
    May 21 2011

    This deck seems really nasty. I bought the Path of Blight deck recently, and this seems to have nearly all of the upsides plus a few more. Infect and Proliferate certainly do work well together.
    It’ll be interesting to see how this holds up!

    • web8970
      May 22 2011

      An idea for tweaking would be sticking to an UB build based on Ichor rats for the initial counter and Inorexable Tide. If you’d like to insert Conflux’s Esperzoa, everything you’ll need for a serious clock are cheap artifact spells like Memnite, Ornithopter or Darksteel Relic.

      And you don’t even need to enter the red zone …

  5. Rob
    May 21 2011

    This deck is lethal. Although, I question the inclusion of non infect creatures, because essentially they are just walls.

    The singleton defensive stance is horrible, but the deck has more than enough offense to overlook it.

    Also, the removal package is awful. It really could have used some vapor snags and maybe some pistus strikes to take down big fliers.

    Can’t wait to read part 2!

  6. web8970
    May 22 2011

    Thanks for that great review. Having the card based analysis being introduced by a flavor-oriented preamble really adds the spice to it. I like your way of seeing this deck as the very culmination of the Phryexian philosophy. Having Phyrexia not only in black but being “Simic”ed shows the infiltration of the local (ie Mirran) system of science and nature likewise. And in terms of mechanics, having proliferate (blue) and infect (green) co-operate is – as you put it correctly – something these two always longed to do but weren’t allowed to until now.

    Somehow the treatment of proliferate and infect by WotC smells like heating up expectations and releasing the tension at the right time – which I call a brilliant gambit.

    Along with the WR-precon, this one seems most promising to me, therefore I am thrilled to see it in action – show mercy with the poor sparring partner 🙂

  7. web8970
    May 22 2011

    By the way – as I see the Tide being considered as a sub-optimal choice, a word of defense here: Yes it is not a bargain at 5 mana, but along with otherwisely useless spells such as the Stance or a well placed instant it can make the necessary difference. And let’s not forget one-drops drawn too late. The Tide can generate some Reinforce-like effects here (which were prominent back in Morningtide).

    • May 26 2011

      Although I agree in theory, cards which do nothing beyond making other bad cards playable make kittens cry… True, in the precon’s case it’s more making the best of a bad situation. I still haven’t figured out how Stance got printed.

  8. mart
    May 22 2011

    when I read the introductory paragraphs to this review, it occurred to me that jay has become a damn fine writer. my hat’s off to you, my friend… long may EL reign.

    • May 26 2011

      Many thanks, mart! From time to time, it’s rather fun and amusing to go back to our first set of reviews- DotP- and see how far we’ve come.

  9. Aaro
    May 23 2011

    I’m with Web in thinking that Inexorable Tide could help swing a close game. And I’m also going to slightly defend the Swarmlord, even though at a prerelease sealed tourney, I was in a close match (me at 5 life, my opponent at 7 PCs), but I managed to get my Swarmlord out. I thought it might give me the game, as the ground was congested and neither of us could get through. Unfortunately for me, during his next turn, he played a Suture Priest and my noble Swarmlord popped out enough Swarmbabies during my next upkeep to kill me and then some.

    … But I can’t help it, I still like the lil guy. ;D


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